

Chiara Dynys returns to deceive the viewer through optical devices capable of fragmenting, altering and disorienting the perception of vision. Kaleidos (2021) is a series of sculptures of different colors, kaleidoscopic in shape and composed of mirrors that reflect each other. The reflected and fragmented image opens up the possibilities of vision and becomes a question about one’s own identity: an invitation to look at oneself, to recognize oneself, to find oneself again. The work fully expresses the artist’s research: a constant tension in the representation of the estrangement of the perception of the self, of one’s own identity and of the surrounding reality.


“Chiara Dynys. Melancholia”, 2022, curated by A. Castiglioni MAGA Museum –Museo Arte Gallarate, Italy (solo show)


Castiglioni A. (ed.), Chiara Dynys and the imaginatic imagianry, Skira, Milano, 2022